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Tagged: FebPhotoFest

FebPhotofest2019 - day 25 2

Femme in Motion II

This one is a little homage or throwback recreation of Femme in Motion from FebPhotofest 2017. I love that hot pink! I’m all about these ripped fishnet leggings (even if my legs were half...

FebruaryPhotofest2019 day 24 2


I’ve been wanting to pair these new penguin pj bottoms with these undies since I got them. What better time than during FebPhotofest? Weirdly, I almost always think of this segment with Benedict Cumberbatch...

FebPhotofest2019 - day 23 1

Cozy Femme

I so wish that I could stay cuddled up warm in bed with my fuzzy blanket. Be sure to share some love over the course of this challenge! Click the image below to visit...

FebPhotofest2019 day 22 0


I struggled with titling this image. It could’ve been “Against the Wall” or “Looking Up” or “Faded.” I’m not sure. What do you see in this image? What would you have called it? I...

FebPhotofest2019 - day 21 1

Night Owl

Night Owl. The name of this teal nail polish I chose. A) It spoke to me on a color level and B) On a mental, spiritual emotional level. I’m such a night owl most...


Up Close

It’s been a long time since I’ve had anyone intimate so close up to me. It’s surprisingly vulnerable. Is this what they would see? Be sure to share some love over the course of...


Femme Flagging

A little throwback photo from a review I did last summer of the Bijoux Hand Cuffs. One of my favorite reactions to wearing them was that they are great for femme flagging. I loved...


My Own Valentine

It has been a few years since I’ve done any sort of partnered Valentine’s Day celebrations. And while I do miss that sometimes, I enjoy taking specific time to love on myself, get all...



I received this beautiful Rose Quartz Chakrub this past weekend and I’m so looking forward to connecting with it and using it further. It’s heavy which, so far, I found very grounding (feeling the...

FebPhotofest2019 Day 12 2

Heart Connection

In my OYoga/Erotic Embodiment Practice I always include a heart connection. I’ll start with some slow, deep, circular breaths with a hand on my heart. Depending on what else is going on in the...

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