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February Photofest 2019 - day 13

I received this beautiful Rose Quartz Chakrub this past weekend and I’m so looking forward to connecting with it and using it further. It’s heavy which, so far, I found very grounding (feeling the weight of it against my chest). It’s absolutely beautiful and fascinating to look at. It reminds me to connect with my heart chakra to embrace self-love. With the reminder of self-love I hope to further manifest the holding of space, of giving permission, welcoming acceptance, and inviting discovery in everyone I work with or interact with.

Be sure to share some love over the course of this challenge! Click the image below to visit the other bloggers who are taking part in this challenge.

February Photofest

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2 Responses

  1. Molly says:

    I don’t really know anything about these but it looks really beautiful. Also you have on the most stunning bra


    • DrVixenne says:

      I’m still learning about crystals. I’m not at the point of it creating a specific feeling, but more as holding them and keeping in mind the properties they are supposed to hold. And they’re v pretty! Thank you for the comment about the bra! I think it’s a Lane Bryant one I got within the past year or so. I hardly ever wear it but maybe I should more often! <3

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