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You Mean This Unicorn?

FebPhotoFest2015 Day 22You can’t even fathom how much I love this shirt! Rainbow! Unicorn! Cleavage! (I got it in the men’s section at Target a while ago.)

It’s day 22 of February Photo Fest 2015 and it’s Sinful Sunday! Please click the images below to check out other bloggers who are taking part in these challenges.

February Photo Fest 2015Sinful Sunday

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8 Responses

  1. Definitely a great shirt. I like the cleavage 🙂

    Rebel xox

  2. Beck says:

    Awww… he’s so cute.

  3. Interesting that you shopped in the men’s section . . . quite a stylish looking uni-horn!!!
    Xxx – K

  4. KaziG says:

    I love unicorns!! Lovely 🙂

    ~Kazi xxx

  5. Molly says:

    Oh my I LOVE this soooo much…. and oddly so would my daughter for a very different reason 😉


  6. Flip says:

    Aww, love the unicorn! the horn appears to be pointing to your cleavage, oddly enough :p


  7. MariaSibylla says:

    This is fantastic! I can’t believe you got this at target. I’ll definitely have to look more closely when I shop there.

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