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FebPhotoFest2015 Day 27Yes, this one is a full-on selfie. Let me explain. For a large portion of the day I was creating the content to my class. So I’ve been immersed in laying out all of it. I took a break to spend time with some friends at their Shabbat dinner, which was so simple, and so lovely. It’s been a day of nourishing my soul on several levels.

This almost a 180° turn from when my morning started. Barely awake for an online study hall for a class I’ve been taking since mid-January, and feeling rather discouraged about various things. I was feeling really stuck.

Spending the time to really delve into creating my class, has energized me more than I could have imagined and I am so passionate about the material!

As disheveled as I look (my crazy, long, frizzy hair!), I am also beaming; grateful for my career choice, and the people who have chosen to really believe in me so that I can do the work I am passionate about, and feeling blessed that I can embrace a multifaceted existence and live out in so many worlds.

This is my penultimate entry in February Photo Fest 2015! Please click the image below to check out other bloggers who are taking part in this challenge.

February Photo Fest 2015

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