Tagged: fat erotic photography

February Photofest 2018 0

Dreaming of You, Valentine

Valentine’s Day is mostly just another day for me because I’m still single af, but this year? Heck, I’ll bite! Bring on the hearts and all kinds of love. Give me the pink, red,...

February Photofest 2018 2

Grey and Wet

Just like the little bit of (very welcome) recent rain, this photo is grey and wet. A delicious home-cooked dinner, a quick nighttime shower, and tinkering with grey scale. It’s amazing what a different...

February Photofest 2018 2

View from the Passenger’s Seat

Oh! Thanks for keeping the car running and the radio on! I love this song! This photo was a spur of the moment idea I had as I was walking back to my car...

February Photofest 2018 0

More than My Flaws

This one is vulnerable and a little scary for me to post. It has minimal edits, just lighting. In it, I see so many elements that would be considered “flaws.” Part of me wanted...