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Tagged: exploring yourself

legs and arms crossed over pelvis 0

A Lesson in Permission-giving: Or what happened when I didn’t want to masturbate

[You’re in for a treat, dear readers – this one has quite a bit of self disclosure.] People who know me, know that I LOVE masturbation. My blog readers may have even sensed a theme...

Fortune from a Cookie - "It is impossible to please everybody. Please yourself first." 2

Switch Things Up! Keep It Fresh! (Masturbation May)

Has it been a whole year already? Masturbation month has finally rolled back around! So let’s challenge ourselves to do a whole month of masturbation practice! I’m totally serious! Whether you are partnered –...

Gender Unicorn TSER Trans Student Educational Resources 1

Who Are You Sexually?

EDIT April 30, 2017: I’ve been meaning to do this edit/note for a while now, but it kept slipping off my radar since this is an older post. The Genderbread Person is highly problematic. You can...


Masturbation May! More fun, All Year Long!

There is a lot that a we can do to make ourselves feel fabulous. Masturbation is one of them. It is a way to release our tensions both sexual and otherwise. But, if you...

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